When Is Getting a Dental Crown Necessary?

If you have been suffering from an unpleasant look of your smile for a long time, it’s time to consider some changes with the help of cosmetic dentistry. You can transform the appearance smile just the way you want thanks to the cosmetic dentistry services so you can smile, talk and laugh confidently. Our experienced cosmetic dentists at Golden Mile Dental are always ready to provide patients with the most suitable cosmetic dental procedures, giving them the dreamy smile they’ve always wanted. There are various cosmetic dental treatments, so all needs can be met, and you can easily find a proper procedure matching your requirements and personal preferences. One of the most popular options that many patients ask for is dental crowns, false teeth that can cover up and restore your damaged natural teeth. Dental crowns are one of the most common restorative treatments so you can have your damaged tooth’s shape, appearance, and function back again to achieve your aesthetic purposes. If you don’t know whether dental crowns benefit you, here we list some situations requiring getting a crown.

You have a damaged or worn-out dental filling.

As tooth decay is considered the most common dental emergency and is significantly prevalent, many people visit their dentist to get a dental filling to prevent tooth decay from spreading and save the damaged tooth. Replace damaged or failing dental fillings with dental crowns as soon as possible if they are significantly worn-out. The protection and coverage provided by cosmetic crowns are much better, and they can prevent further complications like cracking or dental infection.

You recently underwent root canal therapy.

If your decayed tooth can’t be saved by a dental filling, your dentist has no other option but to perform root canal treatment. Your general dentist or endodontist should open up a hole in your tooth during root canal therapy to remove all decayed and infected parts of your tooth. Then it’s highly recommended to cover the treated tooth with a dental crown to protect it from further damage and prevent other potential problems.

Your tooth is badly decayed.

Although it’s prevalent to use dental fillings for decayed teeth, it’s not always the best option. Sometimes filling the decayed tooth can compromise the structure, which is why your cosmetic dentist may recommend you to have a dental crown instead.

If your tooth is broken, chipped or cracked.

In cases of chipped, cracked, or broken teeth, dental crowns are a fantastic option. Although other dental procedures like cosmetic veneers or tooth bonding may effectively repair minor chips, majorly damaged teeth still require dental crowns to be restored.

You have aesthetic purposes.

Last but not least, dental crowns can be used for aesthetic purposes. Dental crowns can meet your needs if you are interested in enhancing the appearance of your teeth and having a flawless smile. For instance, you can benefit from crowns if your teeth are severely discolored and teeth whitening treatment isn’t adequate for you.

Take care of your smile and visit a cosmetic dentist if you are thinking about smile transformations!


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